Hunting in the Dark

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 About Hunting in the Dark:

Paul and his high school friends sit at a fire, maybe fifty feet from and above the rapids on the Black River and twenty steps from J.J.’s family’s cabin. Five friends, close as blood brothers, are there to celebrate their youth without the prying eyes of their parents. Poor and rich, urban and rural, they are unaware of the different paths they are on. This coming of age story asks: how do privilege, circumstance, and blind luck govern our fate? And what risks are we willing to take along the way?

 What people are saying:

"For all the toughness of his characters and the sharp edge of his hard-hitting style, William Burleson reveals a tenderness toward his characters that will make you care as much about them as he does."
--Stephen Wilbers, Minneapolis Star Tribune columnist and award-winning author of several books on the craft of writing and the history of the Boundaries Waters of Northern Minnesota.

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J.J. started the Chevy up, patched out in the gravel, but then moved slowly down the drive, into the absolute dark except for what the headlights found...more

49 pages

Hunting in the Dark was originally published by the late, great Bartleby Snopes press. It’s now in its second edition.